• Question: Why does being a vegetarian from a young age possibly decrease your height?

    Asked by Sabrina-Ross!!!!!!!! to Anaïs, Peter, Shreesha on 19 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Peter Maskell

      Peter Maskell answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      unlikely my daughter is a giant!

    • Photo: Shreesha Bhat

      Shreesha Bhat answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      That is not true. half the population in India is vegetarian, and there are quite a good numbers of tall people out there!

    • Photo: Anaïs Pujol

      Anaïs Pujol answered on 20 Mar 2015:

      It is not true. The only problem it will be the miss of protein from animal which are important to develop your body. Soya is a good food to compensate you deficit in protein from animal if you can’t eat animal. When you are a baby you need to eat various kind of food to bring all the proteins and nutriments you need for your develop and be in good health.
