• Question: what is the most important part of your brain

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      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by chloe.chaplple to Alex, Anaïs, Peter, Shreesha on 18 Mar 2015.
      • Photo: Peter Maskell

        Peter Maskell answered on 18 Mar 2015:

        the rostral ventral lateral medulla (the bit at the back of the skull) it keeps you alive. you can be missing the front part and still live.

      • Photo: Shreesha Bhat

        Shreesha Bhat answered on 18 Mar 2015:

        Its difficult to say as each part of the brain has a specific function, and a damage to any region can casue problems! however, if someone does ask me at gunpoint, i would say medulla oblongata, as it controls most of the involuntary activities of our body like breathing, heart rate, etc. These are things which we do not make a conscious effort for them to work, the medulla just does it. thus, i would say it is one of the most important part of the brain!
