• Question: what is a embryo

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      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by chloe.chaplple to Alex, Anaïs, Peter, Shreesha on 18 Mar 2015.
      • Photo: Shreesha Bhat

        Shreesha Bhat answered on 18 Mar 2015:

        embryo comes from the word embryon which in latin means,’young one’. Its a collection of multicellular living mass at the earliest stage of development, from the time of fertilization until birth or hatching (in case of birds). And yes, embryos are multicellular, hence could be only seen with eukaryotes/multicellular organisms.

        In humans, an embryo is generally considered to be between the first and the eighth week of development after fertilization. After that, it is called a fetus.

      • Photo: Peter Maskell

        Peter Maskell answered on 18 Mar 2015:

        see shreesha

      • Photo: Anaïs Pujol

        Anaïs Pujol answered on 19 Mar 2015:

        a zygote is a cell formed by a male and female gamete cells. We speak about embryo starting the first mitosis (separation of chromosomes into two identical set inside a cell nucleus) until the foetus formation (two months).

        Embryo comes from greek embruon which means ‘grow inside’ so it means that is something not finish. Embryo phase start the 14e day after fecondation until 2 month where foetus phase occurs.During embryo phase organs will be developed.
