• Question: How do think our consciences began to exist?

    • Keywords:
      • Royal Society of Chemistry: Find out more about:
      Asked by Rosie May to Alex, Anaïs, Peter, Sarwat, Shreesha on 9 Mar 2015.
      • Photo: Anaïs Pujol

        Anaïs Pujol answered on 9 Mar 2015:

        Do you know Darwin evolution Theory? One of Darwin’s thesis is the fact that during a period of time, species got mutation, transformation to adapt themself to where they are and to resist to hostile area (to survive). This is what Darwin called evolution. I think human succeed to adapt to their environment.
        Scientist think the conscience appear with the Homo sapien who shown to have a well developed brain with cognitive capacity to conduct to think. This ability is correlate with the increase of the size of the skulls. The evolution of the brain capacity in human species were done during billions of year. Really slow. Several transformation were needed to help human species to develop and use their brain to think. I hope that help.

      • Photo: Peter Maskell

        Peter Maskell answered on 9 Mar 2015:

        see anais’s answer.

      • Photo: Sarwat Iqbal

        Sarwat Iqbal answered on 10 Mar 2015:

        You’re going to get answers on both sides of the spectrum. Ask a neuroscientist and he’ll most likely tell you its a function of your brain. Ask a theologist and he’ll say it’s our little piece of God. Our entire life could be a dream, even dream within a dream. Our world is in our minds. Our mind is the world or universe. Consciousness comes from the mind through our physical and mind senses. I think consciousness is a kind of energy in the universe or outside of our universe or physical world.
