• Question: Are medicines made up of bacteria that can fight the illness?

    Asked by Sabrina-Ross!!!!!!!! to Alex, Anaïs, Peter, Shreesha on 19 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Peter Maskell

      Peter Maskell answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      most medicines are molecules that change our body systems. we use some dead viruses for immunisation. not heard of bacteria being used as a medicine.

    • Photo: Shreesha Bhat

      Shreesha Bhat answered on 19 Mar 2015:

      No, there are bacterial products which are used as drugs (like antibiotics), but not bacteria except in case of vaccines

    • Photo: Anaïs Pujol

      Anaïs Pujol answered on 20 Mar 2015:

      Yes of course in vaccine we use toxin from bacteria
